Protection of the Linux operating system Linux week
Application of Total Quality Systems in Information Technology Management ISO20 000 week
Assault on information and emerging patterns of computer, internet and communication crimes week
Security of Computer-Based Information Systems week
Fundamentals of information security in e-government: public keys for encryption week
Introduction to TCP/IP protocol and internet protection week
The integrated portal for the maintenance of computers week
Technical and technical skills for managing government websites week
The art of dealing with databases and fast online Access week
Advanced Excel program(excel) week
Advanced power point two weeks
program icdl week
program ppci week
Network software and how to maintain it week
Basics of programming two weeks
Financial applications PL/SQL programming under the ORACLE – 9i  

two weeks

Basics of programming in Python 3 weeks
program Power Business Intelligent

(Full course)

4 اشهر
Website design two weeks
Data analysis and transformation into maps. two weeks