Executive secretarial and modern office management week
Future roles of Secretaries and office managers week
Modern technology in indexing, documentation and information management week
The arts of cataloging, classifying, arranging, revealing and archiving two weeks
Preparing and qualifying managers of the offices of leaders, ministers, officials and public opinion holders week
Contemporary roles and public relations skills for secretaries and office managers week
Etiquette and protocol for managers of presidential offices. Leaders and Community Men week
The modern approach to the development of secretarial skills and office managers week
Administrative and behavioral skills of the secretariat two weeks
Communication and time management skills for office managers and secretaries week
Creative vision of modern office management week
Laboratory of contemporary roles of secretarial and public relations skills two weeks
Modern secretarial and information documentation week
Indexing and electronic archive two weeks
Organization of preservation and securing of documents, documents and information two weeks
Secretarial Methods, skills and technology of the future week
Time management in contemporary organizations as an approach to development and business development week
Management of documents and administrative records ( archiving and retrieval ) electronically week
Protocol and protocol for VIP office managers week
The integrated program in the preparation and drafting of correspondence, memos, reports and presentations week
Managerial and behavioral skills of office managers week
Organization of preservation and securing of documents, documents and information week
Writing letters, administrative reports and minutes of meetings week
Reducing paperwork in offices week
Etiquette and protocol for managers of presidential offices. Leaders and Community Men week
The modern approach to the development of secretarial skills and office managers week
Preparation and qualification of managers of the offices of leaders, ministers and managers week
Communication and time management skills for office managers and secretaries week
Creative vision of modern office management week
المهارات المتكاملة لسكرتير الألفية الثالثة two weeks
Integrated skills of the secretary of the third millennium week

Administrative and behavioral skills of the secretariat

Integrated skills of the modern secretary week
Contemporary roles of secretarial and public relations skills week
Modern office management and simplification of work procedures under modern management two weeks
The global Secretariat under the electronic management system week
Preparation and processing of meetings under the e-Government methodology week
Excellence and creativity in writing letters and reports week
Secretarial and electronic archiving week